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Archangel Michael


Archangel Michael is a well know Angel who has been actively working with humanity throughout our history and most people of variety of faiths and beliefs are familiar with his name. He appears in ancient stories and there are many statues all over the world that portray the Archangel with his sword. His image has been painted on fresques and old paintings of grand battles, some that have already happened and others that are supposedly yet to come. One of the oldest manuscripts that mentions Archangel Michael is the Sumerian Epic of Galoshes written in cuneiform on 12 clay tablets (c. 2150 - 1400 BC). Another one is The Book of Enoch, of which the sections were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls which themselves are 2000 years old, but The Book predates those.

A mummy of a woman, who has Archangel Michael's name tattooed on her leg, was recently found in Sudan. She lived about 1300 years ago.


Archangel Michael has many buildings and sites dedicated to her, and some of the most spectacular ones are aligned to the Michael ley line which runs from the island Skellig Michael near Ireland all the way South to Mont Carmel in Israel. Many are familiar with the island Skellig Michael because it was featured in the recent Star Wars movie series. It is the island of Luke Skywalker.


The leyline continues on to Saint Michael's mount off the point of Cornwall and spectacular tidal island Le Mont St Michael in France, fabulous monastery La Sacra di San Michele in Piemon and Monte Gargano where Archangel Michael appeared a number of times. Then passing through Delos and Delphi, Corfu and on to Mont Carmel in Israel. More info on ley lines with maps is available here:


The word 'angel' comes from the Greek angelos, which can be considered a translation from the Hebrew word mal'akh, meaning a 'messenger', a being who is responsible for carrying messages between the human world and the other realms. A being who is an intermediary and a mediator between the 'down here' and 'up there'.

Predating the Hebrew culture is Sumeria whose society is the oldest that has left us physical evidence of the use of a winged human motif in the form of stone carvings. They believed that each person has a 'ghost', which we now call a 'guardian angel', and this being remains a constant companion for a person throughout their life.

When durable stone 'angel' motifs start to appear in Sumeria around 3,000 BC, the wings of these beings signify their ability to travel to places that ordinary people can't reach - the other worlds and higher states. As mentioned above, these beings then act as mediators and messengers between these worlds.

Altars dedicated to guardian angels have been found in the excavations of ancient Sumerian homes, along with stone engravings and temple wall paintings of human figures with wings. Later cultures continued the stories and made them their own.

Internet is a wonderful tool for those wanting to do more research and I have only touched upon some historical details and have concentrated on physical artifacts. There is a wealth of information (and misinformation, please use discernment) and I haven't even mentioned Lemuria and Atlantis, the two cultures which have not left us with a lot of physical evidence but feature in a whole lot of channeled works.  These cultures did not leave us any written words,  pictures or carvings but that does not mean that the cultures were not advanced or that they did not exist.

Similar to the role of a non physical angelic being is the ancient tradition of shamanism, whereby a shaman acts as a mediator and a traveler between the different worlds/spheres.  Animal spirits act in a role of a guide and a guardian. The shamans use various tools and methods including the drum beats in their rituals. This is to facilitate the transport and the flight into other worlds with the aid of their own guardian animals. During such flights they reach various levels of realms. Upon returning to this world, they use the information they learned during their journey to benefit and help people.

Historical people like Moses and Enoch also had this ability to travel between the worlds of human and god and to translate the information for the benefit of people. They acted as intermediaries, interceders, intercessors and channels between the realms. Priesthood was created to continue with this practice.

In the old times,  it was considered that everyday person could not directly communicate with non physical beings, other realms and ones own soul self. Clear communication with their own soul was not considered possible as the veil between the realms was thick. Death was a mystery, although the older cultures have  had clear instructions and rituals to assist the recently deceased person in how to start navigating  the non physical state of being after their passing. One such ritual was to be greeted by Charon The Ferryman, who ferried the person across the river which was separating the two realms.


The common theme across the cultures was that the everyday person could only hope to get some glimpses and coded messages from other realms and even that only at certain special times of their life.  The codes were encrypted and one had to guess what their own soul would possibly want. Or go to specialists like shamans and priests for translation of the crypted messages. Faith was considered a virtue and necessary because direct experience with their own soul did not exist. And so the intermediaries and interpreters were necessary translate and bring the messages.

But this veil, this disconnection that used to firmly divide the world of humans and other worlds, has thinned and in some people vanished altogether. Many have worked diligently through many lifetimes to allow the presence of the consciousness to permeate the physical realm. Last few decades have seen thousands of people that experience awakening. They have awakened to the reality of their vast inner world, the non-physical worlds, the other realms, non physical beings. They have melted the divide between realms within themselves. They have awakened to the reality that other realms are real and accessible. The have awakened to their ability to clearly commune with, understand and interact with their own soul self. The inner world of the individual is where all the action happens. It is the only place where this can happen.

This presence of consciousness opens up the innate human ability to perceive all that was previously hidden. The image of the iceberg with its small top above the ocean (conscious realm) and majority of it underneath the surface (unconscious realm) is no longer true for many people.  Many people are on their own journey in different stages of awakening and realisation.  Ascended Masters are the fully realised ones.

And so it was during my own intense awakening journey that I consciously met Archangel Michael for the first time in this lifetime. She acted as a representative of high consciousness of Michael spiritual family as well as my own inner mediator between my own soul self and human self. Archangels represent the pure and archetypal states of their own spiritual families and do not have a gender. She helped me the human self, to cross the bridge that was dividing human from soul. It took some time but we did it. We bridged the gap. There is no need to wonder if my Soul Self is real, if the other realms are real, or what my Soul wants. She speaks clearly and precisely. She does not use a voice but speaks in comprehensive way that is difficult to describe. The closest description could be likened to sitting down somewhere in nature or going for a walk. You can understand the language of nature, you can  hear it speak. It speaks clearly of the peace, well being, aliveness, health, rejuvenation, grandness. You understand its language, your body understands its language and you start feeling wonderful in response to the language of nature. You communed with nature as your whole self including the body, you understood what it said to you and you responded.  So in the same way, my Human Self communes and understands my Soul Self and the clarity keeps evolving.



So what is the difference between Archangel Michael and Michael (Mikael)? Ancient versions of name Mikha'El translate as 'Who is like God'. There are many versions of the spelling the name Mikael and it is not as important as the experience. Michael is also at times referred to a particular spiritual family (one of 144.000). The spiritual families had a bigger role to play in the past and Michael family was associated with attributes like truth and protector, among others. For me personally, I came to know myself as a member of this spiritual family. But the personal experience of Mikael for me was as the presence and awareness of my Eternal Self. The Source, the Grand Creator being, the Oversoul, the I Am That I Am, the We Are that We Are.

Before there was anything, there was. There was the One which felt the desire to experience itself through many different facets and perspectives of itself. Female and Male it became. Many it became. And each one of the many became aware of itself. One of them called itself Mikha'El.  And this one that was many, gave freedom to its own 'many' to experience themselves as creators in their own right and sovereignty. One of these is the one Alexis calls my Soul Self. It too has the name ....the name that sounds like Sikah-Ra. The name is a song and its tone keeps changing with experience.

Archangel Michael represents archetypal energies of Michael family. She has never been physical and is unlike us humans for her ability to radiate the light always. Each spiritual family has their own Archangel that carried the essence of that family so that the essence could not be lost and forgotten in the density of the 3D realm. Like Archangel Michael, I too am a facet of Mikael. And unlike the Archangel, I as a Human am physical and have the light and dark within me. I have the ability to choose and the ability to dance with these. And I also have the ability to integrate them and create a completely new way of being. Not of duality but the new energy. As a Human Self I have the ability to disconnect from my Source, my I Am that I Am and forget who I really am. And I, like other human beings, have walked the Earth in separation, disconnected for many lifetimes and for what seemed like centuries upon centuries of experience.

At present, there are approximately 1 million other human beings on Earth who are aspects and facets of Michael.


We, Mikha'El, are a living consciousness. We are that we are, we have no name at the source of our being. We are not a single colour, we are a whole spectrum. We have always been, are, and always will be. We span worlds, the universes, the dimensions and the vastness of voids. We are in time and we exist outside of time. We call ourselves 'we' because we are multifaceted and do not have a singular identity. It is our joy to now also be walking among you; awake, aware, present. An integrated Spirit in the human body. This has been our dream and passion for a very long time and now it has and is always becoming into fruition.


You, our human counterparts, the parts of ourselves that are physical, are making this possible. By going through awakening, the integration, the realisation.  The Divine Trinity; blending and infusion of Human, Soul and I Am that I Am in the physical realms. Perfect as we are, and at the same time continually expanding.

The Spiritual families have since disbanded as there is no longer any need for their existence. The individuated sparks are being and realising their own Sovereign domain and all that entails. The New Earths.

2021. And the story continues...

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