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Live Online Master Classes  

  • Live-stream via Zoom

  • 3 months access to the recording of class

  • After purchasing a Masterclass, you will receive a Zoom link to the live online event via email that was listed on your Paypal payment notification

  • Please convert date & time to your local time zone to watch live

  • Recording of the event will be emailed to you after the live-stream. Please allow few hours for the processing of the recording


  1 Hour Live Online

With Alexis & Team

8 PM, 18 Jan, Brisbane time

Cost $25

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Session

Cost $174

Image by Joshua Earle


The Radiance of Your Authentic Self


  • 1 Hour Live stream

  • Masterclass

  • Max 33 participants

  • Access to the recordings for 3 months

  • Cost US $25

In the chaos of the modern world, there is a profound power in radiating the uncompromising light of your authentic self. Luminescence, as described scientifically, is the spontaneous emission of light from an energized state without relying on external heat. Similarly, within the spiritual realm, it represents the cold spectrum, the continuous, inextinguishable creative light of the soul—a pure, unfiltered radiance that emanates from the depths of your being and is not dependent on external input.

While many are familiar with the warmth of orange and red light, the incandescence, where the object only emits light after heating from external sources; the cool blue light symbolizes the creative passion and clarity of the soul’s expression that comes from the depths of self. It reflects the essence of a person who shines with their own light, independent of external factors.

In this class, we will delve into the experience of your own luminescence. Together, we will explore how to connect with this inner radiance, what it feels like to embody it, and how to let it guide and inspire you. Discover how to create with the vibrant passion of your soul and integrate its light into your daily life, infusing every moment with meaning, clarity, and purpose.

On-Demand Master Classes  

  • Pre-recorded video classes on cloud

  • 3 months access


After purchasing a class, please allow few hours to receive the link via email (depending on the time zone difference). If the class you purchased includes a private session, I will email you to set a date and time.


The Dance Of Freedom

  1 Hour Cloud

With Alexis & Team

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165

The Dance Of Freedom

  • Freedom is the natural outcome of radical self-acceptance & celebration of who you are

  • Embracing complexities & limitations of human life

  • Nuanced understanding of human life

  • Understanding & navigating multiple realms of existence

  • Embracing a mindset where energy and resources are plentiful

  • Tapping into the infinite energy and potential

Freedom is a multifaceted experience involving personal expansion, self-acceptance, and a balanced relationship with the physical world. It’s about breaking free from internal and external limitations to embrace a fuller, more integrated experience of life.
The newfound freedom allows for a holistic connection with your divine nature and soul, going beyond the limitations of the brain and the physical world.
Accepting the opportunities to evolve without the baggage of past limitations, opening up new potentials for spiritual and conscious unfoldment, in tune with divine energies and other realms.
Freedom also a deep internal shift, going beyond a mere intellectual understanding to fully embodying and thus living the principles of abundance.



  1 Hour Cloud

With Alexis & Team

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165


  • Interface where Soul & Human meet

  • Explore this space and get familiar

  • Feel it clearly

  • Explore Communication

  • Hear the song of Soul

  • Understand its communication

  • Impact of this clarity, focus & precision

Imagine it as a multi-dimensional dashboard that allows us to toggle between physical reality and the more fine, ethereal forms of reality. When we explore this space and get familiar with it, we're essentially learning to read the code of our Soul, the song that it is singing.

This interface of consciousness is as a meeting place for various dimensions of reality, including the human and the soul. Becoming familiar and intimate with this space, cultivating skills in understanding & navigating within it, allows for deeper understanding and communication between these dimensions, impacting our perception of reality and our place within it.

Communication at this level transcends conventional language, it is experiences as intuitions, synchronicities & profound epiphanies. The impact of gaining clarity, focus, and precision in navigating this interface is transformative; it enables us to live in alignment with a broader understanding of reality, enriching our lives with depth and interconnectedness of Self and reality.

Living The New

  1 Hour Cloud

With Alexis & Team

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165

Living The New Physics

  • What it means

  • New ways of creating

  • New Freedoms

  • New challenges

  • New understanding of Self

  • Sensuality
  • Difference of feeling and emotion
  • Practical Magic of daily life

Embark on a transformative journey that redefines what it means to create, live, and grow in the new era of inter-connectedness.
We will explore new ways of creating that embrace the uniqueness & inclusion of the existence, unlocking new freedoms and facing new challenges with courage, abilities & resilience of one who is in touch with Self.
Dive into a profound understanding of your unique Self, discovering the sensuality of being, differentiating between feeling and emotion.
Weave the practical magic of daily life into a fabric of wholeness, where spiritual practices and self-empowerment meet to continue to ignite your passion for a life of heart-based living and self-love.
Join us as we open the door even wider to an extraordinary journey of mastery, weaving the blueprints of a new life that echoes with the sacredness of all things.

And So It Begins

  1 Hour Cloud

With Alexis & Team

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165

And So It Begins

  • Renewed connection between human and soul

  • New levels of clarity

  • The new era has begun and with it the new levels of intensity

  • Surfing the waves of energies

  • Deep transformations on DNA levels, your physical frequency & resonance

  • Completely clearing the story slate

  • So what is new & what to be aware of

  • New levels of caring for and honoring the physical body and world

Gentle Whispers

  1 Hour Cloud

With Alexis & Team

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165

Gentle Whispers

  • Navigating current times with finesse

  • Art of subtle perceptions

  • Acute senses required for the new

  • Feeling supported in myriad of ways that can often be missed because of its ultra-fine expressions

  • Precision of new skills

  • New clarity & awareness

  • Expansion and prosperity


  1 Hour Cloud

With Alexis & Team

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165


  • What it means in these exciting times

  • How to experience it

  • Allow its awareness into your daily life

  • Practical experience and application

  • The changes it brings

  • Challenges

  • Awareness & expansion

  • Perception of other Realms

  • Joy of Being


  1 Hour Cloud

With Mary Magdalene

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165


  • Natural flow of being

  • Deep inner joy & peace with Self

  • Inner Self communication

  • Satisfaction with Self & your Life

  • Self love and respect

  • Christ Consciousness

Fluid Past

  1 Hour Cloud

With St Germain

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165

Fluid Past

  • Nature of the past

  • Experience of allowing fluidity in and of the past

  • Joy of it changing and expanding

  • Joy of realizing & utilizing the benefits of fluid past

  • Dealing with the intensity of its presence

  • Meeting selves and others from the past

  • Practical applications in every day life

Joy Of Body

  1 Hour Cloud

With Mary Magdalene

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165

Joy Of Body

  • Life as embodied Soul

  • Releasing ancestral inheritance

  • Changes in the Body to accommodate Soul presence

  • How to assist the changing of energy flow

  • Relationship with Body

  • Health

  • Experiencing the flow of joy

I Am Magus

  1 Hour Cloud

With Michael

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165

I Am Magus

  • Life of the Magus

  • Inner realization that you are free

  • Expressing the uncompromising nature of that realization

  • Owning your energy

  • Practical applications of energy being yours

  • Change & transform with ease & style

  • Playfulness of life

  • Christ Consciousness in your daily life

  • Deep realization that you are forming your physical reality

  • Life demonstrating to you the effects of these realizations


Flexing The Inflexible

  1 Hour Cloud

With Michael

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One Sessi

Cost $165

Flexing The Inflexible

  • The stubborn inner spaces

  • Recognize them & feel them

  • Morph these spaces that still constrict you

  • Change perspective from being victimized by them to one of a Master

  • Reshape them and step out of them

  • Realize just how many choices you have in how you want to be

  • How you want to play with life

  • Incredible self-gifts of freedom


Christ Consciousness

  1 Hour Cloud

With Mary Magdalene

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One S

Cost $165

Christ Conscousness

  • Recognize it, feel it & Experience it

  • Allowing the flow of the Essence

  • Effect on reality and other people

  • Function in every day life while experiencing blissful states

  • The Inner Suns of being

  • Radiance in different directions

  • Continual flow of well - being

  • Clear communication with self

  • Knowingness



EveryDay Magic

  2 Hour Cloud

With St Germain

Cost $33

2 Hour On Demand Masterclass &

1 Hour Private Session

Cost $178

EveryDay Magic

  • Everyday Living as Magus

  • Different perspectives

  • Nurturing Sovereignty

  • Flowing your radiance

  • Realizing yourself as a creator with real effects in every day life

  • Using your new skills and abilities

  • Dealing with old hangups that pop up

  • Dealing with new challenges of being of this world but not of it



Lightness Of Being

  2 Hour Cloud

With Mikael

Cost $33

2 Hour On Demand Masterclass &

1 Ho
ur Private Session

Cost $178

Lightness Of Being

  • Lightness of being with and in your body

  • Changing relationship with your body

  • The incredible flow of openness to experience

  • Sensuality and pleasure in your body

  • Changing relationship to perception and experience of yourself in physical body

  • New Soul connection

  • Radiating love back to Soul and everything you touch with your consciousness

  • Soul presence and its effects

  • Flow of gratitude

  • Allowing the body to freely relate with Soul Self

  • Perceiving new Realms of existence available to you



Dynamic Change

  2 Hour Cloud

With Mary Magdalene

Cost $33

2 Hour On Demand Masterclass &

1 Ho
ur Private Session

Cost $178

Dynamic Change

  • Change is here to stay

  • Befriend it and thrive

  • Release the patterns of habits that no longer serve you

  • Explore the inner safety and attributes that allow you to surf the waves of change

  • Realise the excitement and benefits of fluidity

  • Changes of identity as creator

  • Utilising new perspectives and new spaces within

  • Allowing the awareness of new potentials and how to work with them



Suffer No More

  2 Hour Cloud

With Yeshua

Cost $33

2 Hour On Demand Masterclass &

1 Ho
ur Private Session

Cost $178

Suffer No More

  • The dynamics of suffering

  • How it affects your life and choices

  • Example of Yeshua; his experiences on how he said goodbye to suffering

  • Shifting beyond suffering into joy

  • Living in the modern world in self love and well being

Experiences of suffering have been a huge part of being human. In fact, most people can not even imagine or comprehend existing in a state of no suffering. It is a huge paradigm shift. It also  brings its own unique challenges when one changes the paradigm for themselves and yet still lives surrounded by humanity that lives & breathes suffering every day.

Yeshua has walked the Earth many decades after his realisation and has experienced his own shift into joy. He also offers unique overview from where he is now.  Join us for his joy and his unique wisdom.

Warrior Of New Era

  2 Hour Cloud

With Mikael

Cost $33

2 Hour On Demand Masterclass &

1 Ho
ur Private Session

Cost $178

Warrior Of New Era

  • Who you are

  • The dynamics and nature of the new warrior

  • Life with no battles; internal or external

  • Utilizing the skills of the warrior when being whole

  • Navigating the modern scenery

So many of us have a history as great warriors over the ages of humanity.  There were so many causes, so many great secret warrior societies. There were always so many that seemed powerless who needed help and rescue by the great warrior. Being a warrior brought incredible experiences of self confidence, endurance, honour,  discipline, warrior codes, brotherhood, sisterhood, devotion to a cause, self-sacrifice, martyrdom, heroism, shame, guilt, trauma, feeling unsafe, black & white mindset...


The history as a warrior also includes huge integrations of things seen, experienced, endured, the loneliness, the woundedness, the not finding connection with other people, the protective barriers around the heart. The impenetrable shield around vulnerability served so well in the old days of battles but is now a liability in the dance of divinity.

The path of a warrior offered soul incredible experiences and wisdom. Now the role of the wise warrior has changed dramatically and yet its wisdom is needed more than ever. The warrior pathways now bear fruits and each one of us can utilize them in the modern world.

Join us as we explore & release these adventures into new era. Into freedom & sovereignty for yourself.


  1 Hour Cloud

With Mary Magdalene

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One S

Cost $165


  • 1 Hour On Demand

  • Access to the recordings for 3 months

  • The Love of Life that flows through you

  • The continual connection to your inner flow of well being and radiance

  • Intimacy with vibrancy and exuberance of your being

  • Satisfaction with the nature of your existence

  • Essential nature of your humanness to the wholeness of you


  1 Hour Cloud

With Michael

Cost $15

Bundle with 1 Hour Private
One-on-One S

Cost $165


  • 1 Hour On Demand

  • Access to the recordings for 3 months

Travel with us in experiencing a whole range of different perspectives. Allow your inner senses to become precise.

Change perspectives especially one where you are perceiving yourself as defined by outside influences to where you perceive things from within your energy.

Change perspectives by stepping from one part of yourself to another with ease.

Experience how easy it is to step from one perspective into the other, or hold a number of perspectives at the same time.

Experience yourself as a multidimensional being that you are.

Glow Of Freedom

  2 Hour Cloud

With St Germain

Cost $33

2 Hour On Dem
and Masterclass &
1 Ho
ur Private Session

Cost $178

Glow Of Freedom

  • The shades, nuances and colors of freedom

  • Expansion into freedom

  • The taste of freedom,  the scent and its sound

  • Intimacy with freedom

  • Its requirements


  2 Hour Cloud

With St Germain

Cost $33

2 Hour On Dem
and Masterclass &
1 Ho
ur Private Session

Cost $178


  • Dive into your own sensuality

  • The benefits of a sensual life

  • How to stay in the sensual space

  • The depths, finesse and subtleties of your new life

  • Flourish and thrive

Angels are incredibly sensual and there is nothing quite as sensual and real as being an embodied Angel. Sensuality is often mistaken for wounded sexuality. The ability to perceive, to sense, to experience is so much broader and richer than you have allowed yourself to explore up to now. The presence of the greater self in this reality enhances your current human senses and adds the new abilities to become aware of many other senses that you already have but were not aware of.  Allow your true angelic sensual nature to flourish in the new realities.

Soul Speak

  2 Hour Cloud

With Mikael

Cost $33

2 Hour On Dem
and Masterclass &
1 Ho
ur Private Session

Cost $178

Sheet Music

Soul Speak

  • The basis of connecting, communicating and understanding your Soul self.

  • Speaking on behalf of your Soul

  • What does it feel like to be in the presence and in the flow.

  • How do you get into this space, how do you recognize it and how do you stay there. 

  • How do you thrive on change.

  • You don't need to look elsewhere, your own life is the raw material for everything that you need. Your own emotions, the issues and themes, your story....this is the material upon which your Soul writes and with which it shapes your creations as the grand Artist that you are.

Mastery of Transformation

  2 Hour Cloud

With St Germain

Cost $33

2 Hour On Dem
and Masterclass &
1 Ho
ur Private Session

Cost $178

Mastery Of Transformation

The inner alchemy of spiritual transformation is all about the transmutation of the limited structures and barriers that keep the personality in patterns which prevent the allowing of direct connection with your soul.

The transformation process ultimately frees you from the core wounds and the core beliefs which support the limited state of being. Transformation itself has many different layers and levels and uses. At the deepest level it is about a total change from one state of being, one state of identification to another, from caterpillar to butterfly.

On a day to day level, transformation can serve you in many ways to transmute habits that do not support your well-being into self love and self care.​ Soul alchemy is the continual allowing of the essence to imbue and so transform the separated base elements of our inner psyche into wholeness. Transformation and soul alchemy are crucial abilities and tools in your toolbox of the new life.​ Travel with Master Alchemist St Germain as he walks with us through the alchemy of transformation.

Become the modern Magi as you Master the tools of the trade.

Shapeshifting Perceptions

Effortless Reality Shifts

  • 1 hour video recording

  • Cost $5

  • 3 months access to the recording

The multitude of perceptions are already available to you and you as a human self is absolutely able to shapeshift and perceive the different realities of yourself. The different points of view. The new realities that are now available to you on Earth require this ability to shapeshift from one into the other. To perceive where you are and to step and allow into the where you choose. The 'where' is here, all around you at different vibrational levels. Allow these amazing abilities that you posses to be part of your conscious life.

The Exquisite You

Presented by Yeshua

  • 1 hour video recording

  • Cost $5

  • 3 months access to the recording

There is so much joy in embracing and being the magnificence that you are. Not only is it satisfying in itself, but this state allows you to maintain your highest vibration. And from this place you create your daily reality that reflects who you are allowing yourself to be. The Magnificent One of the New Earth.

The Aha Moments

Presented by Yeshua

  • 1 hour video recording

  • Cost $5

  • 3 months access to the recording

Those glorious Aha Moments when it all comes together and the whole is so much bigger than the sum of its parts. Being ones own wisdom in the moments of clarity is priceless. The experience of great satisfaction when we get the realisation that changes our perception. The experience of so many nuances and facets, angles and points of view. From theory to the reality of the New Earth.

The Master of Intensities

Thrive in current times

  • 1 hour video recording

  • Cost $5

  • 3 months access to the recording

Life has become extremely intense and the embodiement process itself requires that strong emotions be acknowledged and dealt with. As we become more gentle and sensitive, the emotions of mass consciousness can pose a different kind of challenges. The weather itself can not be ignored. Life is certainly not boring and we can utilize the energies and absolutely thrive in these amazing times.

Soul Intimacy

Develop Intimacy With Your Soul Self

  • 1 hour video recording

  • Cost $5

  • 3 months access to the recording

Being intimate and open with your own Soul is one of the most precious experiences as a human. The freedom from having to hide parts of Self from your own Self is so pure, so fresh and so satisfying. How do we get there, how do we allow the intimacy between Human and Soul Selves to develop and to deepen? How do we allow the Soul to have access to all parts of the Human so that all can feel the unconditional acceptance and self-love

Knocking On Heavens' Door

Sacredness of every day life

  • 1 hour video recording

  • Cost $5

  • 3 months access to the recording

Many may know and remember the song with this title. In the times past, we believed that the doors to heaven were so far away. And often the experience was about trying and trying, knocking and knocking ...but never quite reaching heaven. The idea of experiencing heaven on Earth was far fetched, an unreachable dream. But now it is here, it can become a reality. The experience is available to be brought into our daily life. Physical and real, and yet so delicate and exquisite, full of depths and feelings that were never felt before.
So what are the attributes:
. Connected with your own Soul Self
. Always having the best possible advice and support coming from own Self
. Letting go of unhealthy dependencies on other people and external     circumstances
. Co-creating healthy and satisfying relationships
. Always changing, always growing and expanding
. Perceiving the beauty of life
. Connection with life and feeling part of everything
Each one of us is equipped with everything that is required to make this real. It is our own life, our issues, our very stories that makes up the raw materials that are transformed into sacredness. Into something that feels and is sacred and at the same time practical and physical.

Image by Anita Austvika


"Deep Dive, for me, was chock full of ah-ha moments.  3 plus hours of being in the presence of Alexis and Cathy, two masters who freely share of their wisdom and experience!   In particular, the day after the workshop,  an especially deep understanding of an aspect I had been unable to integrate came to the forefront for me.  A Huge Appreciation to both Cathy and Alexis for this gift.  I highly recommend Deep Dive—- if you feel called, listen to your intuition:  there is a treasure waiting for you.  MG

Thank you again, Alexis and Cathy!"


"Thank you so much dear Alexis and Cathy for creating this space with so much liveliness and joy and thanks to all the other participants also  since saturday energies are swirling and whirling. I feel so alive and joyful while facing the deepest stuff which I go beyond so easily now. Feeling layers of layers just fading away. There is such a knowingness present and processing, drama and suffering are slowly fading away  (gosh have I been addicted ... ) I just finished the 3rd part which I missed due to sleepiness and bad wifi  but oh wow ... since then so much has shifted that now I was even more ready to receive  I feel sooooo alive. "


In the Deep Dive with Cathy and Alexis there were so many beautiful and helpful reminders of what it really means to allow our Divinity and how that intersects with actively being a to build as a true Creator and release that which was built from a less conscious state to reveal gifts of wisdom.  But even of greater help to me was being in a space of such grand consciousness.  I could really feel the level of consciousness that the event was inviting us into.  Feeling their level of commitment to staying in presence in EVERY moment and the deep joy that that has offered them reminded that within me.  I was able to stay in a higher level of consciousness with the parts of me that have been coming home and feeling quite heavy lately.   The rigidity and colorlessness were being breathed back into life by the beautiful bath of my own soul.  I definitely felt a huge shift from this workshop.  It really sped up the breaking down of those old structures and patterns and opened up an ocean of my own higher consciousness.  Thank you, Alexis and Cathy!"

"Deep Dive
This workshop went so deep. Cathy and Alexis both have such a beautiful, ‘powerful’ and loving presence and the two of them together sure ‘pack a punch’, if you are ready. They freely share the wisdom they have gained from their respective experience. To hear two different ways of dealing with embodiment from  masters brings the workshop to another level. "

"Deep Dive

Phenomenol !

Message: Hey Alexis, What an amazing sesh with both you and Cathy! Thank you so much for the incredible experience with St. Germain, but mostly, with the both of you. Wishing you great success. I know so many benefited from the energies of the deep dive today - including me. Loved the event and loved the both of you. Thank you for your divine wisdom and most of all - your humour! Heart-felt blessings to you both!
Since the event, such miracles have occurred - truly. Can’t thank you both enough."

"Deep Dive
Hi again ladies.. There are truly no words to quantify my gratitude, so so much happened in this session and will be for a while, the wisdom we already knew you reflected back to us was done in such an authentic manner. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone should they be ready to take the plunge! Mary"

"Alexis I relistened to Mary Madalena vitiality and now I sense soo much more and I feel it more as a truth in my own life. Your material always is so clear, compassionate and joyful. Namaste."


"I wanted to tell you how impactful our session was for me…. The information you gave me provided insight and advice into many of the subtle, background thoughts I have…many of them so subtle I hadn’t really completely identified them consciously. Such a beautiful gift you gave me!! Thank you again for your generosity of time and talent. Having the focus you brought to my “little” old world is a precious gift. Love you and admire your creations in this world. So grateful for your friendship."


"I am so grateful for this amazing class with Mary Magdalene.
I could feel her grace, her love flowing through my body and taking me even deeper into my "park of the senses" , my wonderful lake within.
Since I am currently, like so many others, constantly attacked by sleepiness, I sometimes closed my eyes during these sessions and dozed for a short while. But felt, it does not matter, the integration is there and of course in the repetitive listening which guides me each time deeper and deeper, sensing an enormous blessing from her.

Mary showed me the Beauty of my soul and the importance to stay in, diving deep into the lake or being around it, perceiving the wonders of life for being safe for all these ongoing changes right now.

And to radiate, to radiate the light of Christ Consciousness on the world."

"Alexis is an incredibly insightful and versatile energy guide, able to hold the perfect space for transformation to happen. I have loved our work together as it has enabled me to own my own truth and accept my knowingness. Time with Alexis will feel like a gift to yourself rather than struggle, no matter how deep you will delve into."

"Many thanks to Mikael and you for the wonderful Warriors of the new Era message. So timely, so fitting, so current and so important for me on my path right now."

"Yesterday's session with St. Germain was amazing. I became aware of many patterns that hold old habits, and now as often as possible I immerse myself in my safe space, which I experience as a "park of the senses," where I bathe in love and compassion, joy and oneness.
St. Germain has taken me by the hand to travel with me into many more realities in harmony with my soul and this is glorious.
Many thanks to you dear Alexis and this Grand Master St. Germain."

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